Resolutions for Kids: 5 Fun and Educational Goals to Set with Toys

Resolutions for Kids: 5 Fun and Educational Goals to Set with Toys

The new year always brings a sense of hope and possibility. What can we change? How have our goals shifted? Where do we need to put more focus to ensure we are growing into the best version of ourselves?

Some dislike New Year’s resolutions, others relish in them, but we think this process of reflection and intention can be benefited by everyone. Including the little ones in our life.

By teaching our children how to reflect and be conscious of their passions, goals, skills… we are teaching them how to try new things and make the most of their life. And how do we teach kids anything?

Through toys and play!

Toys aren’t just fun, they can be used to support meaningful resolutions for growth in various areas of life.

So here are five ideas on how you can use them to promote skill-building, creativity, and personal development in your children, no matter their age.

And remember, the first step for any of these goals is to sit down with your child and prompt them to reflect on what they have enjoyed or not enjoyed this past year. This discussion will be formative to what goals you end up picking with your kids for this next year!

parents and child holding hands

  1. Goal: Learn a New Skill or Hobby

Resolution: “This year, I will try something new and learn a new skill.”

This idea promotes problem-solving, engineering, and fine motor skills, potentially sparking a new passion at the same time as strengthening crucial skills! You can tackle this goal as a family and pick a skill or hobby to learn together, or support your child in their own endeavour. 

Here’s an idea:

Building sets specifically encourage kids to follow instructions, think critically, and unleash their creativity, as well learn the value of delayed gratitude as they slowly build a sense of accomplishment.

All these toys encourage curiosity and persistence, as learning new skills through play is both fun and rewarding. 

children playing with building set

  1. Goal: Spend More Time Playing Outdoors

Resolution: “This year, I’ll spend more time outdoors and stay active!”

This resolution is for the children who may have identified they feel better when they’ve spent some time outdoors, or have spent a lot of their year on a screen. By spending more time playing outside, you’re encouraging physical activity, teamwork, and coordination, as well as benefiting social skills when friends or family join in on the fun.

Every toy mentioned above is essential for developing gross motor skills, boosting health, and fostering a connection to nature, but the sports toys are even better for the children who have found a passion for sport early. It’s easy to get into a competitive mindset here so toys are a great reminder that fun is the most important focus for them.

outdoor play for kids with critter set

  1. Goal: Foster Creativity Through Art and Design

Resolution: “This year, I’ll make something creative every day.”

Making something creative doesn’t have to feel like a chore, but for some children, it can be. Do your best to tailor creative toys with interests they already have, and challenge them to make something creative every day. This could be recorded in a special craft book, hung in a special place in the house, or anything else that excites them enough to want to do it.

Any form of creativity is beneficial, developing fine motor skills and promoting creative thinking. Over time, this resolution also builds confidence and problem-solving abilities.

Craft doesn’t need to mean putting a pencil or paintbrush to paper. If your child likes building, encourage them to build a new world every day and take a photo to print into a special album for them to remember. Or, if your child is more into science or space, get them a kit to paint and hang up! Through this resolution, kids can learn to express themselves visually and explore different artistic mediums, no matter their passions. 

children clay play

  1. Goal: Be More Mindful and Relaxed

Resolution: “This year, I’ll practise being mindful and calm.”

Toys and play are the key to helping children understand and manage stress and emotions. In fact, it's a great resolution for us all to have, because we never stop learning about ourselves and our feelings!

  • Suggested Toys: Sensory toys (e.g., squishy toys, fidget spinners, plushies)  

Sensory toys provide a calming effect and promote focus and concentration when kids are feeling overwhelmed. They also develop fine motor skills, engaging one or more of the senses to regulate emotions while children are still learning to.

There are countless resources for mindfulness out there, so pair them with toys for even better results! For example, The Mindfulness Teacher on YouTube, accessible by clicking here, would be even better received with a special mindful Jellycat to help children feel supported when their feelings or excitement gets too big.

sensory toys for kids mindfulness

  1. Goal: Build Stronger Social Skills and Friendships  

Resolution: “This year, I’ll be a better friend and work together with others.”

This resolution builds teamwork, turn-taking, and communication skills. In playing games that require collaboration, empathy and social skills are strengthened, both within family games and when new people join in on a game.

  • Suggested Toy: Cooperative games (e.g., board games, group puzzles, or team-based challenges like Capture the Flag)  

With any of these toys, it's important to remind your child the importance of inclusion, no matter if they know another kid, how they look, or how they’re playing a game. This will set them up to navigate relationships with peers more easily, as well as build social skills that are vital to personal and academic success.

kids playing together

You can tailor any resolution your child comes up with to a toy or game, in fact, it might be even more beneficial for your kids to come up with the application themselves! 

You can also reflect on the values they want to instil in your children and choose toys that align with those objectives.

By implementing this fun each day or week, there is opportunity for big developmental growth throughout the year.

Check out the rest of the toys we have in stock on our website here to keep getting inspired about resolutions, and have a great 2025!

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